2015年5月6日 星期三

TED x Cathay


好久沒有搭乘「非廉價」航空了。難得有個人電視,自然要好好地看個過癮,在瀏覽過程中熊熊發現國泰航空的 Studio cx 中,竟然有 TED 視頻~!! 原來 TED 的觸角已經散播到飛機上,這真是太神奇了~XD

這狀況實在太有趣,蚊仔相當好奇其目標族群到底為何,故仔細瀏覽了主題順序與所選影片 Playlist ,整理如下:

Hidden Trends and Systems

The accelerating power of technology (Ray Kurzweil)
The hidden world of shadow cities (Robert Neuwirth)
The surprising math of cities and corporations  (Geoffrey West)
Who controls the world? (James B. Glattfelder)
How algorithms shape our world (Kevin Slavin)
The freakonomics of crack dealing  (Steven Levitt)
How pig parts make the world turn (Christien Meindertsma)
A new kind of job market (Wingham Rowan)
Inside the secret shipping industry  (Rose George)


Open-Sourcing Knowledge

The year open data went worldwide (Tim Berners-Lee)
The era of open innovation (Charles Leadbeater)
The birth of Wikipedia (Jimmy Wales)
The new power of collaboration (Howard Rheingold)
How Arduino is open-sourcing imagination (Massimo Banzi)
The art of asking (Amanda Palmer)


Fails better

On being wrong (Kathryn Schulz)
Trial, error and the God complex (Tim Harford)
Doctors make mistakes. Can we talk about that? (Brian Goldman)
Smart failure for a fast-changing world (Eddie Obeng)
How to learn? From mistakes (Diana Laufenberg)

從錯誤與失敗經驗中學習,讓失敗成為墊腳石而非絆腳石。其中 Eddie Obeng 提到的 smart failure 觀點,值得一觀。

Leading by listening

Want to help someone? Shut up and listen! (Ernesto Sirolli)
Lead like the great conductors (Itay Talgam)
Listening to global voices (Ethan Zuckerman)
Listen, learn ... then lead (Stanley McChrystal)
5 ways to listen better (Julian Treasure)


Starting it up

How to pitch to a VC (David S. Rose)
A bath without water (Ludwick Marishane)
How I built a windmill (William Kamkwamba)
Let's raise kids to be entrepreneurs (Cameron Herold)
India's hidden hotbeds of invention (Anil Gupta)
The mind behind Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity ... (Elon Musk)
How I beat a patent troll (Drew Curtis)
Want to innovate? Become a "now-ist" (Joi Ito 伊藤穰一)


Data visualization

The beauty of data visualization (David McCandless)
Turning powerful stats into art (Chris Jordan)
Let my dataset change your mindset (Hans Rosling)
Doodlers, unite! (Sunni Brown)
Visualizing ourselves ... with crowd-sourced data (Aaron Koblin)
How PhotoSynth can connect the world's images (Blaise Aguera y Arcas)
The birth of a word (Deb Roy)

這個選單是我當下的首選,讓我驚豔的是,原來「視覺化」不只是有助於資訊的跨界傳遞與大數據的吸收,更有助於澄清欲強調的中心思想,進一步昇華成藝術。這部分很喜歡 Chris Jordan 的作品,以藝術創作對社會議題進行美麗的批判。但如果只想要看一部的話,最推薦 Deb Roy 的 The birth of a word ,其更進一步擴大資訊的範圍,從家庭影片到大眾媒體,將影像、聲音、時間、空間整合在一起進行分析,解構語言學習、媒體節目、公共話題的佔用性、社交媒體熱點等互動模式,令人耳目一新。

As our world becomes increasingly instrumented and we have the capabilities to collect and connect the dots between what people are saying and the context they're saying it in, what's emerging is an ability to see new social structures and dynamics that have previously not been seen. It's like building a microscope or telescope and revealing new structures about our own behavior around communication. And I think the implications here are profound, whether it's for science, for commerce, for government, or perhaps most of all, for us as individuals.

綜觀這系列影片,多是 TED Global 2005 ~2013 的錄影,Playlist 都是由 Sudio cx 自行命題編輯,和現行 TED 網上現有的 Playlist 無相關。而由 Playlist 的編排,推論商務人士應為主要目標族群。畢竟 TED 的好處有時間短(不會看不完)、資訊濃度高(不浪費時間)、英文節目(國際語言,普遍性高)、可讓眼睛休息(相對劇情片較能純用聽的)等各項優勢,實在是短程飛行的良伴。

如此的設計到底觀眾買不買單呢? 蚊仔趁上廁所的機會環顧四周,發現還是以資訊類(航班資訊、目的地資訊、窗外攝影機)與影視娛樂等節目為主流,畢竟這個航班的乘客,多是以觀光旅遊為目的,或許在心情放鬆下較不會有點開 TED 的慾望吧 XDD。但還是很感謝國泰提供如此一個專屬小眾的選擇 ~ :D

至於 TED x Cathay 的 Playlist 是否會依照航線與時間做變化呢? 往後拭目以待囉~ :D